Fiona Hanley

Saturday 29/01/2011
Location: C4CC, 16 Acton Street
Tinme: 15:55 – 16:15

Fiona Hanley shares The weight of the page/the wait of the page. My question is how this wait of the page is related to the weight of the page? This certain/uncertain subtleness is an exploration of Marcel Duchamp's concept of the "infrathin" in terms of the material of the page.

Fiona Hanley, PhD candidate Cultural Studies, University of Edinburgh. My work attempts to situate itself in the gap between creative practice and "non-creative", "non- practice" based PhD research. It sits on the ever thicker and thickly drawn line between these two practices, attempting to draw them together by highlighting the creative act of composing what is termed a traditional text-based PhD. My research is concerned with the practice of poetic theory; theory that is composed in a manner that speaks something of its making and resounds rather than only informs.

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